Vampire Treatments Sydney
Vampire Facial Sydney has captured a lot of media attention, due to their popularisation by celebrities like Kim Kardashian. In this case, the media hype is warranted as this is an incredible, clinically proven cosmetic procedure that uses the patient’s blood to improve the condition of facial skin.
Dr Alia Nasser is highly trained in administering these treatments and consistently creates fantastic results for her patients.
What Happens during the Vampire Treatment?
The procedure begins by drawing blood from the patient’s arm just like during a routine blood test. Then, using a centrifuge, the platelets will be isolated from the blood. Those platelets are then activated to release at least eight growth factors which are naturally used by the body to heal injured tissue. When re-injected into the skin, these growth factors work like magic to create increased collagen and new blood flow to the treated areas. Dr Nasser will then inject the patient’s own growth factors back into the face.
These growth factors then activate multipotent stem cells already in the skin, ‘tricking’ them into thinking there has been an injury and that new younger tissue should be generated. The multipotent stem cells then develop into new collagen, new blood vessels and new fatty tissue trying to repair the skin, resulting in younger and more youthful skin. Most procedures are completed in less than one hour.
Does the Vampire Treatment Hurt?
The procedure should not feel uncomfortable for patients. A numbing cream is used on the cream and a very small needle is used to make sure there is no pain during the procedures. Some patients do experience a slight burning sensation during this treatment, but this is only minor discomfort that will not last long.
Are there any Side Effects from the Vampire Treatment?
There are minimal side effects from the Vampire Facial Treatments in Sydney. You may experience some minor swelling and redness after the procedure, as well as slight bruising. But, this will dissipate within one to three days of treatment. Some patients report feeling tender afterward, but that will fade on its own.
The effects of the procedure improve over two to three months and results may last for one to two years. The results of Vampire Rejuvenation are not instant because it takes time for your body to make adjustments and begin the process of healing your skin. The condition of your skin improves gradually but considerably, achieving beautiful, natural-looking results.
Is there any Downtime Associated with the Vampire Treatment?
There is minimal downtime associated with this procedure. Since there are only minor side effects and the procedure only lasts a small amount of time, most patients do not take time off work for the treatment. You are able to return to your daily routine after treatment without changing any of your regular schedule.
Who are Suitable Candidates for the Vampire Treatment?
This procedure is suitable for people who are seeking youthful and glowing skin that is tighter and firm. It enhances collagen production for fewer lines and wrinkles, as well as reducing acne scars, under-eye circles and improving the texture of the skin. The Vampire Facial Treatment in Sydney can also be used for addressing hair loss, with the growth factors in your blood cells doing their job to promote hair growth.
If you would like to find out more about the Sydney Vampire Facials, you can contact us today.
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