Chemical Peels

Chemical Peels

Today, there are a range of non-surgical, anti-ageing methods including one of the most popular options- a chemical peel. A chemical peel involves a chemical solution applied to the entire face, or to specific areas, to peel away the skin’s top layers.

The chemical peel’s solution varies depending on the ingredients and strengths. The depth of the peel also depends on factors such as the length of time that the solution remains on the skin and how vigorously it is applied.

Facial peels are divided into superficial, medium and deep. Very superficial peels, such as the ones performed by beauticians, only remove the top layer of dead skin cells and thus usually only have a short period of minor cosmetic benefit.


Stronger superficial peels and medium to deep peels performed by doctors, usually result in a noticeable improvement in textural irregularities, uneven pigment such as ‘age spots’ and freckling, deeper wrinkles, some types of acne scaring and precancerous skin lesions.


At the initial consult, after a comprehensive assessment, we will choose the right peel that suits your skin and is tailored for your schedule.

Dr Alia Nasser offers the following chemical peel treatments:

  • Blueberry Smoothie Peel: CosMedix deliciously refreshing Blueberry Smoothie™ scrub helps invigorate the skin with the use of a gentle acid, and active blueberry extracts that exfoliate the skin to restore a youthful glow without irritation
  • Blueberry Jessner Peel:  This peel is good for all skin types and is best used as a pre-peel application to ready the skin for a deeper peel treatment.
  • Timeless Peel: Our very best peel to dramatically reduce the visible signs of ageing. CosMedix Timeless Peel™ is chirally corrected to generate immense activity in the skin. This deep peel aids in exfoliation. Timeless Peel also helps to increase your skin’s moisture level offering an age defying, smooth textured complexion.


We also offer many more peels which can be customised to your skin type. These peels are innovative, non-traumatic peels that aid healthy change in the skin to help create a beautiful, renewed complexion. You will achieve maximum results with minimum downtime.

Contact us today to discuss your chemical peel options with Dr Alia Nasser- call (02) 9363 2224 or email



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Nick Nabai

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